Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Procession Line Pimpin'.

Okay so I was out jogging the other day, but I got tired after a little over a half hour or so into it and therefore decided to just walk through the rest of my little workout until I caught my breath…So I’m walkin’ and I hear a car horn blowing. At first I didn’t look because I figured that as usual it was probably just some guy trying to holla’ at me…The culprit was persistent though; kept honking. So I glance over, prepared to just roll my eyes and then wave the guy off because I am not drive through pussy! Ain’t nothin’ worse than a guy trying to get at you from the window of his car, like you’re a damn combo meal at a fast food joint… So anyway when I turned to face the street, I was appalled to see that the guy who was desperately trying to get my attention was driving a hearse; leading a funeral procession!
That is so disrespectful on so many levels. Granted the deceased couldn’t see or hear this man trying to make a love connection on his way to the grave site, but I’m sure the family could… *Sigh* hopefully they were too grief-stricken to realize that the driver was procession line pimpin’.


WiZ said...

wow. the things you gotta go through when you look so beautiful.

Video Vix[o]n said...

lol @ wiz.

ppl aint got no shame these days. first its the hearse guy, then its the ambulance guy during an emergency. procession line pimpin aint easy though. smh.

Samson said...

That's smoove as hell right there I mean, the dude ridin' with him wasn't in a hurry or anything like that so yeah..LOL

Treasure said...

lMAO @ Andre...

You are sooo terrible! You are going to hell on a rollercoaster 4 sayin that! lol

Bombchell said...


ok now that is just sad!!! i thought you were gonna say something like they needed directions or something lol

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i must admit in the pass i have pulled in front of such a person and parked my car and approached a woman. hope u feeling better u have a great weekend and i blog rolled u if u dont mind maam

Carla said...


Why is it every time I visit your page I have these extreme reactions to your posts? (lol) For real girl, that is CRAZY! What was he gonna do if you WERE interested? Pull over and tell the grieving family to hol'up while he gets them digits? I mean, WTF dude?

Jackie's eyes said...


n0days0ff said...

Omg that's so crazy.I woulda been scared if someone in a hearse was trying to get my attention

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